O’ Come Let Us Adore Him! Children’s Adoration of Jesus Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 17th at 9:15am in the church

YOU’RE INVITED to join us for our Children’s Christmas Pageant during which the role of the infant Jesus will be played by… Himself! One of our high school youth will read the Christmas Narrative from the Gospel, while the children assemble at the front of the church in their costumes. At the appropriate point in the narrative, Jesus will be carried from the Tabernacle to the Monstrance for all in attendance to join with the ancient shepherds, animals, wise men, and angels in adoration of Jesus Christ, our newborn king!

As Catholics, our central goal is to teach our children the amazing gift of Jesus’s Real Presence with us: Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. And that the core of the Gospel is “Emmanuel” meaning “God with us”! By imagining themselves as the characters in the Christmas Story and Jesus in the monstrance as the infant Jesus in the manger, our hope and prayer is that this experience helps communicate to the children (and all of us) that it is not bread and wine that we receive in Holy Communion at Mass every Sunday, but the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, Himself! Learn more at: EucharisticRevival.org

There will be no classroom Faith Formation that morning, as all levels of Faith Formation and all parishioners are invited to join in adoring Our Lord! After the event concludes, all are invited to gather for a social in the Fleming Center with coffee and donuts!

Check out this link if you’d like more info on Adoration!