Parish Picnic & Mass
Sept. 10, 2023 Picnic will be held in the Fleming Center following 11AM Mass, due to the chance of rain on Sunday. Mass will be held at 11AM in the church.
Little League World Series Grand Slam Parade
Knoebels Mass & Parish Picnic
Mass will begin at 11AM, with the picnic to follow. (Pavilion J ) Lunch will be provided and catered by knoebels (Hamburgers, Hotdogs and sides) Please return the form (found in our bulletin) to the parish office by June 11th. Thanks!
Fish Dinner
Friday March 31st $12.00 take out only from 12-5:30pm. Includes baked fish, mac and cheese, green beans, stewed tomatoes, coleslaw, bread and cake
Fish Dinner
Friday March 10th $12.00 take out only from 12-5:30pm. Includes baked fish, mac and cheese, green beans, stewed tomatoes, coleslaw, bread and cake Also dinners will be on Friday March 31st
Fish Dinner
Ash Wednesday February 22nd $12.00 take out only from 12-5:30pm. Includes baked fish, mac and cheese, green beans, stewed tomatoes, coleslaw, bread and cake Also dinners will be on Friday, March 10th and Friday March 31st
Mardi Gras
36th annual Mardi Gras Festival Sponsored by St. Joseph the Worker Parish Dancing, Food, Beer, Soft Drinks Lots of Door Prizes Must be 21 years old – ID required Doors open at 7pm Dinner at 7:30 Dancing from 8pm-Midnight $25.00 advance admission $30.00 at the door $192.00 for a table of 8 in advance 720 […]
Penance Services
The following Penance Services will be offered during Advent: Wed. Dec. 14th at 7pm – At St. Joseph the Worker Parish Thurs. Dec. 15th at 1pm- At SJNRA St. Boniface Church Wed. Dec. 21st at 7pm – At Resurrection Church in Muncy
Grand Slam Parade
Monday, August 15, 2022 at 5:30pm More information to follow. Volunteers are needed! – Please call the office with your T-Shirt size if you are planning to volunteer or participate on our float! We will be ordering new T-Shirts this year. We are also accepting candy donations for the parade, which can be dropped off […]