Important Notice August 14, 2017

As was mentioned in the letter distributed in May 2017, I am writing to inform our parish family that the time and date for the deconstruction of the Old Mater Dolorosa Church is set. Many people have removed pews and various other hardware from the building. All religious and sancti?ied materials have been removed for future use by our parish family. Once the building has been taken down, any remaining structural elements may be purchased through Steinbacber Enterprises.

Once the ground has settled, we will be moving forward in constructing a Shrine to Our Lady of Fatima in the very spot where the Holy Sacri?ice of the Mass was offered and the Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated. The base for the Crucif?ix and the statue of Mater Dolorosa is already at the Priest’s Circle in Mount Carmel Cemetery. We are hoping to have both shrines done around the same time. This unites the sacri?ice of so many people, along with the priests from our area, to our heritage of faith, hope and love which is lived out today in our parish family.

Every Crucif?ixion ends with a Resurrection for those who have faith. May our Lady, who stood at the foot of the Cross of Jesus, stand with us and intercede for us, that our hearts may be opened to witness to the Resurrection.

Our Lady of Fatima – Pray for Us

Our Mother of Sorrows – Pray for Us

St. Joseph the Worker – Pray for Us

MD Deconstruction Letter