Tune into WVIA, as the premiere Documentary of the 150th Anniversary of the Diocese will be on Thursday, March 22nd at 8pm.
Click Here to be re-directed to the Diocese of Scranton website, which has more information on the happenings associated with the 150th Anniversary celebrations taking place throughout this year!
One of the ways we can partake in the celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Diocese is through a visit to some of its historic sites. The Office of Parish Life 2018 calendar features a number of those locations, and now there is a free app to guide you there.
The Diocese of Scranton Pilgrimage app includes directions to each site, a description of what you will find when you arrive, a brief history, some photos and a “punch card” to help you keep track of the sites you have visited. You can also use the app to enjoy a virtual pilgrimage without leaving home!
The app is easy to get. Simply search for “Diocese of Scranton” on the Android/Google Play App Store or the iOS/Apple App Store.